Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Monkey see! Monkey do!

Monkey of the channel:

[19:52] <@Adriel> Hu hu Arkkkk ARKKKK ARKKK
[19:53] * @|^2SaNe| slaps Adriel around a bit with a large trout
[19:53] <@Adriel> aku
[19:53] <@Adriel> monyet
[19:53] <@Adriel> Hu Huuu arkkkk arRKkkkkARKKKK
[19:54] <@|^2SaNe|> -.-


-m- said...

i haven't been irc-ing for ages but looks like certain things still remain the same.. hehehe! *cheerz* hope to be irc-ing soon when i get my new pc =)

|^2Sane| said...

Looking forward to see you around or such! *rofl*