Monday, December 22, 2008

Another daily conversation with Chew

義雄 says:
he's performing for the company mah

義雄 says:
and exchange gift for christmas

s y t h x n says:

義雄 says:
ur company dont have meh

義雄 says:
mine confirm none lah

義雄 says:
cinabeng boss

s y t h x n says:
no la

s y t h x n says:
wtf for

義雄 says:
maybe u get free g string

s y t h x n says:
sekali dapat bra lagi tiada guna

s y t h x n says:
g string at least can wear

義雄 says:
lc girl punya g string how u wear

義雄 says:
no place for the balls

s y t h x n says:
balls gantung ma

s y t h x n says:

義雄 says:

s y t h x n says:
if we had present exchange.. i lace mine with anthrax

s y t h x n says:
dun only i yg get the present la

s y t h x n says:
sia siaaaaa

義雄 says:

義雄 says:
half way walking ur dick fall off this

義雄 says:
then u form a band called fall out dick

Saturday, December 13, 2008

heads up!

big-ass photo update: kk desnudians through recent years!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Just want to share with you guys.

MV directed by Yasmin Ahmad & Yuhang

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sad but True

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical
malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and
communications equipment.

Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the
helicopter's position.

The pilot saw a tall building, flew towards it, circled, and held
up a handwritten sign in large letters - "WHERE AM I?"

People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew
a large sign, and held it in a building window.


The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, found his directions,
and flew to Seattle airport safely.

The co-pilot asked "How did you manage to find your
way?". Pilot said "I knew that tall building had to be MICROSOFT,
because they gave me an answer that was technically correct but
completely useless"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Learning English

Well I was blogging about my week in my blog today and was wondering what is "alang-alang" in english.. here is my conversation in IRC:

<+Baboon> cikenWings, what is alang-alang in english?
* Vikram_KL ( Quit (Quit:)
<@cikenWings> alang-alang in english is a direct translation of a slang....... that u're fucked
<+Baboon> ic
<+Baboon> then again what is the proper word :( i can't seem to remember
Me still being a little slow
@ulquiorra> u cant directly translate alang-alang as a word per se
<@ulquiorra> u hv to translate it as a context
<@ulquiorra> generally its doing something halfway. but it depends on the context. is it halfway good or halfway bad?
* @ulquiorra shrugs
<+Baboon> ohh
<+Baboon> well "alang alang buat kerja"
<+Baboon> then again I just wrote "didn't do a proper job"
<@ulquiorra> u could strengthen that by saying "finish job halfway"
<+Baboon> erm..
<+Baboon> that don't sound right too :(
<+Baboon> finish job halfway
<+Baboon> finish job halfway ah <<> lol
<@ulquiorra> actually its correct eh
<@ulquiorra> =.="
<@ulquiorra> u nvr heard of that usage kah
<@ulquiorra> because didnt do a proper job is too uh, general and too accusing
<+Baboon> lets say I write like this "Because someone did the job halfway"
<+Baboon> eh
<+Baboon> oh ngam
<+Baboon> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<@ulquiorra> =.="
<+Baboon> I became more smarter now
<+Baboon> thanks
<@ulquiorra> yaaa
<+Baboon> hahaha
<+baboon> but I end up just saying "because of someone didn't properly do the job."
<+baboon> lol
<@ulquiorra> err.. already said la?
<+baboon> haha
<+baboon> thanks anyway for explaining
<@ulquiorra> sure np
* Adriel (~adk@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
So yeah... I was a little slow today :\

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

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