[18:09] <@b|atching> r u guys able to see Mt. K from ur house ?
[18:10] <@Adriel> yups if I go outside or ontop the tangki air here
[18:10] <@Adriel> actualy... the whole kk can see it
[18:10] <@Adriel> or the whole sabah
[18:10] <@Adriel> lol
[18:10] <@b|atching> ya i'm thinking abt that too
[18:10] <@b|atching> cuz from my place
[18:10] <@b|atching> macam can nampak
[18:10] <@b|atching> if i'm not mistaken
[18:10] <@Adriel> ...
[18:11] <@b|atching> in the morning
[18:11] <@b|atching> when the sky is clear
[18:11] <@b|atching> or i was drunk
[18:11] <@Adriel> ...
[18:11] <@Adriel> u were drunk
[18:12] * @Adriel -=[ Playing: u2 - sometimes you can't make it on your own.mp3 ][ 192 Kbps / 5mins 8secs ]=-
[18:13] <@Adriel> http://go.hrw.com/atlas/norm_htm/asia.htm
[18:13] <@Adriel> see berapa jauh hong kong and sabah
[18:13] <@b|atching> budu
[18:14] <@b|atching> i mean my house in kk
[18:14] <@b|atching> ............
[18:14] <@bi^o^bi> hahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa
[18:14] <@Adriel> say lar so
[18:14] <@b|atching> adriel i think u're drunk
[18:14] <@Adriel> you didn't say at kk
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Desperate times call for desperate measures
what can i say?...
[18:58] <@|^2SaNe|> elisa.. u really want to pikat me r?
[18:58] <[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> .......
[18:58] <[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> u ask seriously ah?
[18:59] * |^2SaNe| sets mode: +o [-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> hahaha
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> paling paling u answer seriously pun
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> i malu only loh
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> shy shy
[18:59] <@[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> lolz..
[18:59] <@[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> klah...
[18:59] <@[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> i pikat chris lah
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> uiyoh
[19:00] <@Adriel> fish
[19:00] <@|^2SaNe|> *shy*
[19:00] <@Adriel> fish
[19:00] <@|^2SaNe|> i prasan d
[18:58] <@|^2SaNe|> elisa.. u really want to pikat me r?
[18:58] <[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> .......
[18:58] <[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> u ask seriously ah?
[18:59] * |^2SaNe| sets mode: +o [-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> hahaha
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> paling paling u answer seriously pun
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> i malu only loh
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> shy shy
[18:59] <@[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> lolz..
[18:59] <@[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> klah...
[18:59] <@[-E|is4-][-DcQu33n-]> i pikat chris lah
[18:59] <@|^2SaNe|> uiyoh
[19:00] <@Adriel> fish
[19:00] <@|^2SaNe|> *shy*
[19:00] <@Adriel> fish
[19:00] <@|^2SaNe|> i prasan d
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Anna is drunk!
[05:17] * mother-of-my-child (marijuana@pcd704225.netvigator.com) has joined #desnudo
[05:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +o mother-of-my-child
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] * @mother-of-my-child (marijuana@pcd704225.netvigator.com) Quit (Client closed connection)
*Yo, drunk people shouldn't chat in the channel unless you want to be a clown! *lol*
[05:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +o mother-of-my-child
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:18] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] <@mother-of-my-child> arimaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[05:19] * @mother-of-my-child (marijuana@pcd704225.netvigator.com) Quit (Client closed connection)
*Yo, drunk people shouldn't chat in the channel unless you want to be a clown! *lol*
Friday, June 17, 2005
Parody of translating?!?
We used to do this in the channel. Thanks to Ujang reading during high school.
Puddle of Mud - Setompok Lumpur
Howie Day - Hari Howie
Backstreet Boys - Budak Di Belakang Jalan
Nine Inch Nails - Sembilan Inci Kuku
Three Doors Down - Tiga Pintu Bawah
The Killers - Pembunuh Itu
BlackEyed Peas - Kacang Mata Hitam
Papa Roach - Bapak Lipas
Pussy Cat Dolls - Patung Kuching
Green Day - Hari Hijau
Simple Plan - Rancangan Yang Mudah
50 Cent - Lima Puluh Sen
Guns N' Roses - Pistol Dan Bunga Ros
Coldplay - Main Sejuk
Fall Out Boy - Budak Jatuh Keluar
Puddle of Mud - Setompok Lumpur
Howie Day - Hari Howie
Backstreet Boys - Budak Di Belakang Jalan
Nine Inch Nails - Sembilan Inci Kuku
Three Doors Down - Tiga Pintu Bawah
The Killers - Pembunuh Itu
BlackEyed Peas - Kacang Mata Hitam
Papa Roach - Bapak Lipas
Pussy Cat Dolls - Patung Kuching
Green Day - Hari Hijau
Simple Plan - Rancangan Yang Mudah
50 Cent - Lima Puluh Sen
Guns N' Roses - Pistol Dan Bunga Ros
Coldplay - Main Sejuk
Fall Out Boy - Budak Jatuh Keluar
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Channel Talk?!
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> ui
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> che makan
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> MAKAN
[8:05pm] <NiNe^^> i makan oredi
[8:05pm] <NiNe^^> wat is pizelling
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> cipet la
[8:05pm] <NiNe^^> i want to play new game, bored
[8:06pm] <SeVeN^^> u drink juice only
[8:06pm] <NiNe^^> i makan oredi la
[8:06pm] <NiNe^^> u come back din even say hi to me
[8:06pm] <SeVeN^^> u go become fruitarian LA
[8:06pm] <NiNe^^> sombong punya pet pet kia u
*The problem with Desmund is that you need to talk to him in IRC rather then in real life...
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> des
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> where u go
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> what
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> so lame la want to talk to you have to come in here
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> aiya
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> what
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> LAME
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> what what what
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> either that or have to go indiablo forum
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> u dont know how to come to my room kah
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> you close door so tighttttt
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> ...............
*The disadvantage of technology?
[6:31pm] <@sythzn> so when u bend down can see upskirt lol
[6:31pm] <|^2SaNe|> i tot now got technology..... u dun bend down also can see upskirt
[6:31pm] <|^2SaNe|> got mini camera installed on ur foot
[6:32pm] <@sythzn> kitai u chia.. damn updated man u
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> ui
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> fuck u chia
[6:32pm] <@sythzn> ketara u got oh kan!!
[6:32pm] <|^2SaNe|> kitai u des and fuck u carlo
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> yalah
[6:32pm] <|^2SaNe|> u all teach me one
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> mahai
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> fuck u
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> kick o u lc
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> must have classical touch bah
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> must earn it to get the upskirt
[6:33pm] <|^2SaNe|> i dont hv mini camera... dun hv spy shop in kk
[6:33pm] <@sythzn> no.. last time i use the sony vid cam yg besar 1997 model but kedapatan by the gal this
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> not using technology
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> lol
[6:33pm] <|^2SaNe|> carlo.... i know u peramas bah last time
[6:34pm] <@sythzn> that is last time
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> u just take ppls skirt n tarik
[6:34pm] <@sythzn> now i upgrade to perabah
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> nah des maciam expert upskirt this
[6:34pm] <SeVeN^^> no
[6:34pm] <SeVeN^^> dont pull me in the water
[6:34pm] <SeVeN^^> i innocent
[6:34pm] <@sythzn> desmun is the yoda of upskirt techniques
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> lc.. baru u philosphy must have classical touch
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> u sendiri jump into the water urself
*The philosophy is endless..
This time it isn't Anna's breast..
[7:44pm] <@Adriel> uiyo, des triping anna punya lubang
[7:44pm] <@Adriel> hebat
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> .......
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> no
[7:44pm] <@|^2SaNe|> terus des having nightmare
[7:44pm] <@Adriel> hahaha
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> lol
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> aiya
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> no appetite already
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> fuck u all
terrible people..
The difference between KL and KK ;)
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> go la faster
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> mahai 9pm lurrr
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> mahai baru mau 8.30
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> u trip what oh?
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> kl?
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> i takes 5 minutes for me to reach shen
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> it*
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> okok
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> hahaha
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> macauhaiiiiii
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> i WANT TO GO BACK KK
[8:27pm] <@|^2SaNe|> u kimak.. kl ppl
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> ALL ALSO 5MINS
[8:27pm] <@|^2SaNe|> stuck lah u in traffic jam
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> I LOVE 5MINS
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> here 45 mins
.. everything is so damn near... =))
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> che makan
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> MAKAN
[8:05pm] <NiNe^^> i makan oredi
[8:05pm] <NiNe^^> wat is pizelling
[8:05pm] <SeVeN^^> cipet la
[8:05pm] <NiNe^^> i want to play new game, bored
[8:06pm] <SeVeN^^> u drink juice only
[8:06pm] <NiNe^^> i makan oredi la
[8:06pm] <NiNe^^> u come back din even say hi to me
[8:06pm] <SeVeN^^> u go become fruitarian LA
[8:06pm] <NiNe^^> sombong punya pet pet kia u
*The problem with Desmund is that you need to talk to him in IRC rather then in real life...
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> des
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> where u go
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> what
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> so lame la want to talk to you have to come in here
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> aiya
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> what
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> LAME
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> what what what
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> either that or have to go indiablo forum
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> u dont know how to come to my room kah
[9:28pm] <NiNe^^> you close door so tighttttt
[9:28pm] <@SeVeN^^> ...............
*The disadvantage of technology?
[6:31pm] <@sythzn> so when u bend down can see upskirt lol
[6:31pm] <|^2SaNe|> i tot now got technology..... u dun bend down also can see upskirt
[6:31pm] <|^2SaNe|> got mini camera installed on ur foot
[6:32pm] <@sythzn> kitai u chia.. damn updated man u
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> ui
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> fuck u chia
[6:32pm] <@sythzn> ketara u got oh kan!!
[6:32pm] <|^2SaNe|> kitai u des and fuck u carlo
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> yalah
[6:32pm] <|^2SaNe|> u all teach me one
[6:32pm] <SeVeN^^> mahai
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> fuck u
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> kick o u lc
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> must have classical touch bah
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> must earn it to get the upskirt
[6:33pm] <|^2SaNe|> i dont hv mini camera... dun hv spy shop in kk
[6:33pm] <@sythzn> no.. last time i use the sony vid cam yg besar 1997 model but kedapatan by the gal this
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> not using technology
[6:33pm] <SeVeN^^> lol
[6:33pm] <|^2SaNe|> carlo.... i know u peramas bah last time
[6:34pm] <@sythzn> that is last time
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> u just take ppls skirt n tarik
[6:34pm] <@sythzn> now i upgrade to perabah
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> nah des maciam expert upskirt this
[6:34pm] <SeVeN^^> no
[6:34pm] <SeVeN^^> dont pull me in the water
[6:34pm] <SeVeN^^> i innocent
[6:34pm] <@sythzn> desmun is the yoda of upskirt techniques
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> lc.. baru u philosphy must have classical touch
[6:34pm] <|^2SaNe|> u sendiri jump into the water urself
*The philosophy is endless..
This time it isn't Anna's breast..
[7:44pm] <@Adriel> uiyo, des triping anna punya lubang
[7:44pm] <@Adriel> hebat
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> .......
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> no
[7:44pm] <@|^2SaNe|> terus des having nightmare
[7:44pm] <@Adriel> hahaha
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> lol
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> aiya
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> no appetite already
[7:44pm] <@SeVeN^^> fuck u all
terrible people..
The difference between KL and KK ;)
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> go la faster
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> mahai 9pm lurrr
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> mahai baru mau 8.30
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> u trip what oh?
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> kl?
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> i takes 5 minutes for me to reach shen
[8:26pm] <@|^2SaNe|> it*
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> okok
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> hahaha
[8:26pm] <@SeVeN^^> macauhaiiiiii
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> i WANT TO GO BACK KK
[8:27pm] <@|^2SaNe|> u kimak.. kl ppl
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> ALL ALSO 5MINS
[8:27pm] <@|^2SaNe|> stuck lah u in traffic jam
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> I LOVE 5MINS
[8:27pm] <@SeVeN^^> here 45 mins
.. everything is so damn near... =))
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Msg i get while I am away in irc
[11:01pm] <.ashefs>
[3:22am] <.mariela_> hola
[5:40pm] <.adeee> hi... asl plz
[8:54pm] <.ce_sapi> hii
[9:01pm] <.brain_zheng85> ni sapa??
[9:01pm] <.brain_zheng85> ko2ku bkn??
[9:21pm] <.mark^m> hey care to help?
[1:09am] <.bbnmb> slm
[10:12am] <.raine^-^> #IRChinese A Chinese/English ChatRoom :) *
[11:23am] <.guest72083> hiiiiii
[4:34pm] <.stefani> hai ...
[5:32pm] <.{F}aVoUrIt3> hi
[5:58pm] <.ekacute> hi..bro
[6:25pm] <.ilel> allo
I never reply anyone even when I am there :P kinda got bored replying lol...
[3:22am] <.mariela_> hola
[5:40pm] <.adeee> hi... asl plz
[8:54pm] <.ce_sapi> hii
[9:01pm] <.brain_zheng85> ni sapa??
[9:01pm] <.brain_zheng85> ko2ku bkn??
[9:21pm] <.mark^m> hey care to help?
[1:09am] <.bbnmb> slm
[10:12am] <.raine^-^> #IRChinese A Chinese/English ChatRoom :) *
[11:23am] <.guest72083> hiiiiii
[4:34pm] <.stefani> hai ...
[5:32pm] <.{F}aVoUrIt3> hi
[5:58pm] <.ekacute> hi..bro
[6:25pm] <.ilel> allo
I never reply anyone even when I am there :P kinda got bored replying lol...
What lack of ciggies can do to you...
[01:22] <@sythxN> i no cigarette!!!
[01:22] <@sythxN> DIEEE
[01:22] <@sythxN> SURE DIE
[01:24] <@sythxN> help me....
[01:24] <@sythxN> heellllpppp
[01:24] <@sythxN> helpppp......
[01:24] <@sythxN> boy boy can u hear me boy
[01:24] <@sythxN> jefff.. jefff... i killed my brother....
*Hallucinating is a symptom too?
[01:22] <@sythxN> DIEEE
[01:22] <@sythxN> SURE DIE
[01:24] <@sythxN> help me....
[01:24] <@sythxN> heellllpppp
[01:24] <@sythxN> helpppp......
[01:24] <@sythxN> boy boy can u hear me boy
[01:24] <@sythxN> jefff.. jefff... i killed my brother....
*Hallucinating is a symptom too?
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Stuff in #dalnet channel
Here is a log on a person who asked for some help in #dalnet channel.. we are talking in the main :
[6:19pm] <.noob> hello
[6:19pm] <.noob> i need help
[6:19pm] <.noob> about a command
[6:20pm] <.noob> any one here
[6:20pm] <.noob> ?
[6:20pm] <@Adriel> What is it?
[6:20pm] <.Attila> .noob - ask,please.
[6:20pm] <.noob> there is a term fop
[6:20pm] <.noob> how to add fop for channel
[6:20pm] <.noob> is there any command
[6:20pm] <.noob> :?
[6:20pm] <@Adriel> fop?
[6:20pm] <.Attila> fop?
[6:20pm] <.noob> ya..
[6:20pm] <.Attila> heh ;)
[6:20pm] <@Adriel> there is only aop and sop
[6:20pm] <.noob> means if i wanna share a founder access..
[6:20pm] <.noob> ahh..
[6:20pm] <.noob> ok thnx
[6:21pm] <.noob> another que
[6:21pm] <@Adriel> what is it
[6:21pm] <.noob> if i wanna send memo to all sop of channel
[6:21pm] <.noob> then wat command i shd use
[6:21pm] <.Attila> .noob - http://docs.dal.net/docs/chanserv.html#5 and http://docs.dal.net/docs/chanserv.html#6
[6:21pm] <.noob> :$
[6:21pm] <.noob> thnx
[6:21pm] <.noob> lolx.
[6:21pm] <.noob> thanks dude
[6:21pm] <.noob> :)
[6:22pm] <.noob> bbye
[6:22pm] <.Attila> .noob - for send memo to sops, /memoserv sendsop #channelnamehere messagehere
[6:22pm] <.noob> may I ask another que
[6:22pm] <@Adriel> sure
[6:22pm] <.noob> hmm.. when ever i join help.. i get kiked.. dunno Y.. i havent done any thing bad..
[6:22pm] <.noob> :[6:23pm] <@Adriel> try talking with the person who kicked you
[6:23pm] <.noob> still em in akik.. or ip is in akik.. how it wld be removed..
[6:23pm] <.noob> wait
[6:23pm] <@Adriel> you have to talk with 1 of the sop or the founder then
[6:23pm] <.noob> it is bot
[6:23pm] <.noob> hmm.. thnx
[6:23pm] <.noob> :)
[6:23pm] <.noob> another que
[6:23pm] <.noob> :$
[6:24pm] <.noob> how may I become Irc operator.. are there any requirements.. or wat..
[6:25pm] <.noob> :$..
[6:25pm] <.Attila> .noob - http://docs.dal.net/docs/operinfo.html
[6:25pm] <.Attila> you must read.
[6:25pm] <.noob> ThAnK YoU.. :D Attila
[6:25pm] <.noob> :)
[6:25pm] <.noob> so mnice of U
[6:25pm] <.noob> bbye.. see U again TaKe CaRe
[6:25pm] <.Attila> .noob - np,anything else?
[6:25pm] <.noob> no thnx
[6:25pm] <.noob> bbye
[6:26pm] <.Attila> bye.
[6:26pm] .noob (~Exothermi@202-133-65-184-dialup.sat.net.pk) has parted. (thnx alot) «41 people»
He wants to know how to be an ircop when he don't even know the basic stuff, I really wanted to tell him something like this "You need an common sense and a good brain to be one" but to bad I can't lol.... This is just another daily noob I meet in #dalnet channel.
[6:19pm] <.noob> hello
[6:19pm] <.noob> i need help
[6:19pm] <.noob> about a command
[6:20pm] <.noob> any one here
[6:20pm] <.noob> ?
[6:20pm] <@Adriel> What is it?
[6:20pm] <.Attila> .noob - ask,please.
[6:20pm] <.noob> there is a term fop
[6:20pm] <.noob> how to add fop for channel
[6:20pm] <.noob> is there any command
[6:20pm] <.noob> :?
[6:20pm] <@Adriel> fop?
[6:20pm] <.Attila> fop?
[6:20pm] <.noob> ya..
[6:20pm] <.Attila> heh ;)
[6:20pm] <@Adriel> there is only aop and sop
[6:20pm] <.noob> means if i wanna share a founder access..
[6:20pm] <.noob> ahh..
[6:20pm] <.noob> ok thnx
[6:21pm] <.noob> another que
[6:21pm] <@Adriel> what is it
[6:21pm] <.noob> if i wanna send memo to all sop of channel
[6:21pm] <.noob> then wat command i shd use
[6:21pm] <.Attila> .noob - http://docs.dal.net/docs/chanserv.html#5 and http://docs.dal.net/docs/chanserv.html#6
[6:21pm] <.noob> :$
[6:21pm] <.noob> thnx
[6:21pm] <.noob> lolx.
[6:21pm] <.noob> thanks dude
[6:21pm] <.noob> :)
[6:22pm] <.noob> bbye
[6:22pm] <.Attila> .noob - for send memo to sops, /memoserv sendsop #channelnamehere messagehere
[6:22pm] <.noob> may I ask another que
[6:22pm] <@Adriel> sure
[6:22pm] <.noob> hmm.. when ever i join help.. i get kiked.. dunno Y.. i havent done any thing bad..
[6:22pm] <.noob> :[6:23pm] <@Adriel> try talking with the person who kicked you
[6:23pm] <.noob> still em in akik.. or ip is in akik.. how it wld be removed..
[6:23pm] <.noob> wait
[6:23pm] <@Adriel> you have to talk with 1 of the sop or the founder then
[6:23pm] <.noob> it is bot
[6:23pm] <.noob> hmm.. thnx
[6:23pm] <.noob> :)
[6:23pm] <.noob> another que
[6:23pm] <.noob> :$
[6:24pm] <.noob> how may I become Irc operator.. are there any requirements.. or wat..
[6:25pm] <.noob> :$..
[6:25pm] <.Attila> .noob - http://docs.dal.net/docs/operinfo.html
[6:25pm] <.Attila> you must read.
[6:25pm] <.noob> ThAnK YoU.. :D Attila
[6:25pm] <.noob> :)
[6:25pm] <.noob> so mnice of U
[6:25pm] <.noob> bbye.. see U again TaKe CaRe
[6:25pm] <.Attila> .noob - np,anything else?
[6:25pm] <.noob> no thnx
[6:25pm] <.noob> bbye
[6:26pm] <.Attila> bye.
[6:26pm] .noob (~Exothermi@202-133-65-184-dialup.sat.net.pk) has parted. (thnx alot) «41 people»
He wants to know how to be an ircop when he don't even know the basic stuff, I really wanted to tell him something like this "You need an common sense and a good brain to be one" but to bad I can't lol.... This is just another daily noob I meet in #dalnet channel.
Telekom wannabes
Malaysia Telekom here again trying to introduce their own personal antivirus for Rm2 bucks:

They can't even fix my wrongly capped speed and wanna fix a virus which if more harder??? This telekom people really pok silap and wanna make money only and don't give a shit about custormer. There are more better antivirus then this and free some more, why would anyone wanna pay rm2 bucks for it? lol

They can't even fix my wrongly capped speed and wanna fix a virus which if more harder??? This telekom people really pok silap and wanna make money only and don't give a shit about custormer. There are more better antivirus then this and free some more, why would anyone wanna pay rm2 bucks for it? lol
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
No participation
You know, I don't see much participation from the contributors. Not to say anything but why do you need access to it when you don't blog?
Monday, June 06, 2005
Friday, June 03, 2005
joke of the day
got this from a fwd email. there were a few jokes, but i liked this one the most.
After sex, Thai girl kept fondling man's cock.
Man asked: Why? Want to have sex again?
Thai Girl replied: No lah, just admiring your cock. I used to have one before.
After sex, Thai girl kept fondling man's cock.
Man asked: Why? Want to have sex again?
Thai Girl replied: No lah, just admiring your cock. I used to have one before.
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